Thank you for joing us at the BC Region CCP Workshop!In October, First Nations from across BC (and beyond!) came together to share lessons learned and best practices around Comprehensive Community Planning (CCP) in their communities. This 2.5-day workshop provided information on how to make CCP work in your communities.
CCP Coordinators, Planners, Administrators, Leadership, and Youth from BC First Nations involved in CCP came together to:
InformationDates: October 24-26, 2023
Location: Spirit Ridge Resort, Osoyoos, BC Host Nation: Osoyoos Indian Band, Syilx Territory |
"Making Things Right"
This year’s workshop theme was “Making Things Right”. We explored the ways in which planning can create positive change in community and be an important part of correcting wrongs, revitalizing culture and language, reconnecting communities, and supporting repatriation, climate change readiness, emergency preparedness and recovery, and health and wellness. First Nation-to-First Nation learning and capacity building are the anchoring principles of the workshop. Facilitators and presenters included experienced planners from a wide range of backgrounds and communities across the province.