About the Marketplace
Non-profit, academic, and government organizations and associations that provide services and/or financing to First Nations undertaking planning will have the opportunity to set-up a display at a Marketplace. There will be dedicated times for Marketplace over the three days (October 18th-20th, 2017) where exhibitors will have the opportunity to explain their services to First Nations participants. There will also be informal networking opportunities throughout the workshop. Marketplace participants have the opportunity to participate in the workshop.
Why You Should Participate as a Marketplace GuestThis is a great opportunity for your organization to network, with over 100 participants expected to attend representing more than 50 First Nations! Marketplace guest will have free admission, and are encouraged to participate in some of the workshop activities. Limited space is available, so sign up quickly!
Vendor Booth Set-upMarketplace booths will be set up close to the plenary room for the workshop, allowing for more interaction between Marketplace representatives and participants. Electrical outlets and WIFI will be made available on request.
Marketplace Suggestions
If you have a great idea for an organization that should be featured at the Marketplace, please let us know by filling out the comment box below!